On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 19:32 +0200, Marco Matthies wrote:
> Blue Swirl wrote:
> > BTW, we could easily design and implement an ideal CPU just for Qemu 
> > purposes. It could be unlike any existing hardware, for example with 
> > zero or thousands of registers. The problem would be making a compiler 
> > for the CPU, also porting some OS to it. Any GCC and Linux guru 
> > volunteers? CS research projects?
> How about MMIX?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MMIX
> There is already a simulator/assembler here:
> http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/mmix-news.html
> Marco

It might not be a bad idea, especially since MMIX is well documented and
fairly simple.  

However, since it doesn't have real devices (Just traps to do OS-like
things), it'd probably be good to have a simple CPU with some simple
devices so newcomers can copy it as a starting point for other projects.


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