On Wed, Dec 13, 2006 at 08:03:13PM +0100, Salvador Fandino wrote:
> > The code of lomount might be what you're looking for. Lomount allows one
> > to mount partions (via loop) from a raw diskimage.
> That was my intention, but I have found that lomount handling of EBR and
> logical partition is not correct, they perform as if EBR where
> structured as MBR, what is wrong!
> Cheers,
>   - Salva

How is it incorrect? What needs to be fixed?

My understanding is that the extended partition has a partition table
set up with the first partition entry pointing to the logical partition,
the second entry pointing to a partition table that exists immediately
after the logical partition, and then the 3rd and 4th entries are not
used. The second partition table is structed the same way, so you
essentially have a linked list of extended partitions. (Unlike the MBR,
there are no boot sectors associated with these partition tables.)

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