
booting a preinstalled winxp fails because Windows XP
crashs (sometimes you will see a bluescreen) and starts
a reboot. It won't fail if the real hardware and
QEMU's virtual hardware are nearly identical.
Especially the chipset seams to be critical.

/dev/hda1 is the first partition which is part of
/dev/hda (whole disk), so there are no patches which
can fix anything in QEMU here.

You might extend QEMU to emulate your computer's
hardware - then XP would run. But this is a lot of work...


Roberto Polli schrieb:
> hi all,
> I tried to boot my preinstalled winxp with
> # qemu -boot c -hda /dev/hda
> that's what happens:
> - qemu load grub, and I select to boot winxp (grub says "chainloader
> +1, then
> boot")
> - qemu starts to load winxp, with a winxp boot screen
> - qemu fails and reboots
> it seems qemu stops loading winxp when /dev/hda "ends" and /dev/hda1
> starts.
> I could build a patch to fix it, but before start studing qemu source,
> I'd
> like to ear from you - yes, if it was easy you guru already would have
> done
> it!
> tia,
> R.

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