On Friday 09 February 2007 5:27 pm, Paul Brook wrote:
> On Friday 09 February 2007 22:19, Rob Landley wrote:
> > 1) When you accidentally run qemu as root, could it NOT try to go into a
> > full-screen display by default resulting in a corrupted display you can't
> > break out of and have to power cycle the machine?
> This is a feature of your SDL libraries. They're probably trying to use 
> console framebuffer output. Complain to whoever supplied your SDL libraries.

Ubuntu.  And yeah, probably.

> > 2) After said reboot, when you're sanely running qemu as a normal user but
> > using the hda image file you made as root,  if a hard drive image isn't
> > writeable, could it warn or something, rather than having the ubuntu
> > install mysteriously fail halfway through when it finds itself unable to
> > mount /dev/hda1 after it thinks it just partitioned the drive? 
> I think this is also a feature. Previous versions would refuse to use 
> images at all.

Could it warn?  (I admit it'll probably get buried in the "ubuntu doesn't 
default to 1024 hz and you're not root" warning, but I spent a day trying to 
figure this one out.   Slow reboots, and I thought it was another side effect 
of the KDE timeouts. :)


"Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add, but
when there is no longer anything to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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