Thanks for the feedback.  Since I do not wish to be involved in a 
great battle (as you so nicely put it) I'll stick with VMware (sigh).


On Wednesday 21 February 2007 15:05, Robin Atwood wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 Feb 2007, Julian Seward wrote:
> > (replying off list)
> >
> > So you have Solaris 10 (x86 ?) running on qemu-0.9 ?  Is it stable?
> > Does it work?  I have it running on vmware-5.5.3 but would prefer to
> > move to running it on qemu if possible; however I've had mixed
> > results with qemu in the past and don't want to spend loads of time
> > on failed attempts to get it to work.  Hence the question.
> It was a great battle to install but now it is stable. Do the following
> things:
> 1. install from the DVD image
> 2. Use the text console install
> 3. At the end of the install, backup the image file *before* the first
> reboot 4. If during the first boot of the image, you get a segfault,
> restore  and try again until you get to a prompt. Ignore any service
> failures. (the filesystem seems prone corruption at the first boot.)
> 5. If you have problems caused by damaged files, re-install choosing
> the "Update" option: this will restore the damaged files.
> After that, I was able to boot reliably into X. However, the filesystem
> seems very fragile if not shut down cleanly, so take regular backups!
> -Robin.

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