Ludovic Drolez wrote:
> Hi !
> I've found a bug in Qemu x86_64 under a sles 64 10: conversion of floats 
> to strings fails in some cases. For example, Ganglia (cluster monitoring
>  software), shows random values and as well as PHP5 programs.
> Here is a simple test program to confirm that you have the same bug as me
> (maybe also under another distribution). Compile this and link with libapr-1:
> ======================test.c===============
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <math.h>
> #include <apr.h>
> #include <apr_strings.h>
> void main(void)
> {
>     char buf[60];
>     double d = M_PI;
>     snprintf(buf, 60, "%f\n", d);
>     printf(buf);
>     apr_snprintf(buf, 60, "%f\n", d);
>     printf(buf);
> }
> ============================================
> Under a SLES 10/64 bits, you'll see something like:
> 3.141593
> 3.OjuƧ_
> I tested with Qemu 0.8.2 and the CVS, but of course, it works on a real
> system (a Dell PE1950).
> So it's a QEMU bug. Is it triggered by weird code produced by gcc 4.1.0 ? Or a
> FPU emulation bug ? Any ideas ?
A bug in apr, maybe, no ?

Michel Loiseleur

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