Good question. I stumbled about this, too, when I looked
at the code how I could apply your patch. Some months
had past since I wrote it :-)

The code writes to a serial EEPROM, so the 16 bits are
sent using only a clock and a single data bit. The
EEPROM emulation then takes the single bits and puts
them together.

The function gets a byte which contains clock, data and
two other significant bits, and 4 bits which are always 0.

When called with a word, only one byte is needed.
Maybe it is the wrong one - if you work with different

I'l have a look at the other problems next weekend.


Ben Taylor wrote:
> I have a question. in eepro100_write2, I see a word (16-bits) being
> passed in, but only the low part of the word gets written to the eeprom.
> Since it's a word write, shouldn't it be writing both bytes to the eeprom?
> Ben

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