Hi all, I have a huge list of operating systems (both closed and open source, that works and that doesn't work under QEMU) that can be used to check that QEMU doesn't broke (or even, that it corrects a non-working state).
I've already discussed that with Fabrice. And I think it is better to check an installed image that to test it only boots or installs (faster at least). Fabrice and me discussed about taking screenshot per some seconds to compare with known took screenshots and if something fails shutdown the VM and send an email. But that required some macro interface "click at x,y, wait some seconds, press 'k' key", that is not currently under QEMU. The best solution I think is to get a way to send QEMU the screenshot to file command some times and stop the VM when both are equal, then send the last took screenshot to a mail address so breakability can be checked. (If it is the login window, great, it BOOTS!, if not, it doesn't) What do you think? I have enough spare space to hold the boot images (600Gibibytes free), and a machine that should be able to automatically checkout and compile QEMU (Athlon XP 2000+, 768Mb RAM, 600GiB free, Gentoo Linux). Just, I have not the knowledge to make the script that boots qemu, says qemu to take the screenshot, compares the took one with the last one, stops qemu, sends the last screenshot by email, compresses all took screenshots, goes to next VM, so on. (Preferibly without X11 running, as the machine is a mostly headless P2P and File server) If anyone can do this, I will make the boot images for all my OSes and start it. I think, it is a great idea (and a better way to update my -currently dead but no more spammed- official OS support list). Regards, Natalia Portillo