tang peilei wrote:
> thank you for your help.
> is this config you build your kernel and run in qemu ?
> and can you debug yur kernel image in qemu ? i tried the gdb debug
> ,but it failed.

I have tried to build it a few times but it always errors out somewhere
in the drivers section, probably because some drivers were not tested
for ARM. But this is the closest I have got to a self-compiled kernel.

You can probably get it to work by disabling some modules.

> "This GDB was configured as "--host=i686-pc-linux-gnu
> --target=arm-elf"..."/root/source/test/zImage": not in executable
> format: File format not recognized

Unfortunately I don't cross-compile so I cannot really help you with this at
the moment. Maybe it is not an ARM executable.

At the moment I am building Armedslack Current X packages so I cannot
build a kernel at the same time. I will try again as soon as I have
finished building those.

I'll probably try to set up a cross-compile environment for ARM as well.


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