That's true, and I don't care about it. I'd like to get a method to
stop/start time inside qemu in order to simulate execution of large
pieces of hw out of qemu (look at qemu-systemc project).
If qemu is freeze  meanwhile a systemc simulation is in progress
(simulating a HW device of system), time should be freeze also.
In this way, execution time of a program inside qemu should appear
shorter when using accelerator HW than only SW application. I know these
times are not reals, but it should be enough to estimate correctness and
execution time on real platforms.

Does a way to stop/start time inside qemu?



En/na Paul Brook ha escrit:
> On Friday 29 December 2006 17:53, Màrius Montón wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As I understand, OSes running inside qemu "have" notion of time: (its
>> date and time works, time(1) command works, etc.).
>> My question is about how qemu manages time. I need to stop and start
>> again this "virtual-time".
> qemu doesn't maintain virtual time, it just uses the real host time.
>> I just tried with cpu_disable_ticks() and cpu_enable_ticks(). It seems
>> to work partially: at least now system date and time are out of sync..
> I suspect you'll find that for anything other than very coarse user (ie. user 
> stop/continue) these are effectively useless.
> Any benchmark/performance measurements you make inside qemu are meaningless. 
> qemu performance bears no relation whatsoever to the performance 
> characteristics of real hardware.

> Paul
> _______________________________________________
> Qemu-devel mailing list

Màrius Montón i Macián   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hardware Engineer
Centre de Prototips i Solucions Hardware-Software
Dep. Microelectrònica i Sistemes Electrònics
ETSE - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)  Phone: +34 935 813 534
Fax: +34 935 813 033
QC-2090D. ETSE. Campus UAB.
080193 Bellaterra

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