On Tue, 17 Apr 2007, Stuart Anderson wrote:

I've continued to work on this all week, and I still haven't managed to
solve it. I've chased down a lot of paths, but none of them have lead to
a solution. Here is a summary of the situation now.

* programs other than bash will run
* bash --version will run
* bash --noediting will run
* occasionally, bash has run if I'm stracing it, but I can't always
  reproduce it.
* when it runs, I occasionally see some odd behavior, but not always.
  The termios patch I just sent cleared up a lot of the oddness.
* when it runs, it hangs on exit. Killing it logs me all the way out
  of the system (ssh conection).
* when it crashes, gdb looses the user level thread, so I can't do any
* I don't see any of the TLS related system calls being called. I also
  don't see any concrete proof one way or another that it is used in
  the executable (ie No R_PPC_*TLS relocations). I've been digging in
  the kernel & glibc source, and I don't see a lot of special code to
  support TLS on ppc. It mostly seems to be just taking care to not
  step on R2. Glibc seems to be the only place where it knows something
  specific about TLS, which leads me to think that TLS is mostly
  contain within the userspace on PPC.
* I've tried turning on most of the DEBUG_ defines under linux-user,
  but none of them has yielded anything useful, or noteworthy.

This morning, I went back and tried a 32-bit x86 host (instead of the
x86_64 host), and discovered that everything works just fine. This makes
me think it's a 64 bit issue, so I took a closer look at the build warnings
that exist on x86_64 but not on x86. This pointed to PPC_OP(goto_tb0) &
PPC_OP(goto_tb1) in target-ppc/op.c. It appears that x86_64 is using the
generic portable code, but one of the fields that it is taking as a
pointer (tb_next) is only an int. Changing it to a ulong didn't fix
things though, but it did eliminate the warning.

After more digging in the qemu.log, I noticed this difference that is
related to those two functions (op_goto_tb0 & op_goto_tb1).

On x86:
00000ebf <op_goto_tb0>:
     ebf:       e9 fc ff ff ff          jmp    ec0 <op_goto_tb0+0x1>
     ec4:       c3                      ret

00000ec5 <op_goto_tb1>:
     ec5:       e9 fc ff ff ff          jmp    ec6 <op_goto_tb1+0x1>
     eca:       c3                      ret

On x86_64:
000000000000154e <op_goto_tb0>:
    154e:       8b 05 00 00 00 00       mov    0(%rip),%eax
    1554:       ff e0                   jmpq   *%rax
    1556:       f3 c3                   repz retq

0000000000001558 <op_goto_tb1>:
    1558:       8b 05 00 00 00 00       mov    0(%rip),%eax
    155e:       ff e0                   jmpq   *%rax
    1560:       f3 c3                   repz retq

Note repz before retq which is not in x86 code or in any other x86_64 op.

In use the micro ops are:
0x000d: goto_tb1 0x60233800
0x000e: set_T1 0x100a4df8
0x000f: b_T1

For which the generated code becomes
0x61a5998d:  mov    -25321811(%rip),%eax        # 0x60233840
0x61a59993:  jmpq   *%eax
0x61a59995:  repz lea -1369131941(%rip),%r12d        # 0x100a4df8
0x61a5999d:  mov    %r12d,%eax
0x61a599a0:  and    $0xfffffffffffffffc,%eax
0x61a599a3:  mov    %eax,0xc7f4(%r14)
0x61a599aa:  lea    -25321904(%rip),%r15d        # 0x60233801
0x61a599b1:  retq

The repz is still there from the goto_tb1 OP, but is now applied to the lea
isn from the set_T1 op.

Is this correct? Would it cause any kind of a problem?


Stuart R. Anderson                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network & Software Engineering                   http://www.netsweng.com/
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