I am virtualizing a Windows 2000 machine (bit-by-bit copy of physical machine).

It apparently works fine except for one strange thing: windows 2000 stops at the black screen (first step of boot) where it asks me if I want to load Windows 2000 or previous operating system.

When the machine was physical there was a short timeout in that screen, and then it would proceed with the default choice of windows 2000, but in qemu it waits forever like if I pressed a key to interrupt the timeout.

Note that there is another bootloader *before* that one (it chainloads the windows bootloader), and that one also has a timeout which can be interrupted with a keypress, but that one does not show the problem, i.e. goes ahead after its timeout without my need to press key.

That's a problem because I cannot really start the Windows VM from linux scripting as it stops at boot. Sending a keypress to a VM programmatically is not so easy methinks... or do you know how to do that?

This is with qemu-kvm 1.0

Thanks for any idea

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