On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 02:24 +0000, Andrzej Zaborowski wrote:
>       Account for machine with RAM which is not mapped at 0x0 in arm_boot.c.

It seems a pity that you did this in a manner which didn't match the
patch I published for the Simtec BAST boards. Now I have a bunch more
merging effort to go through if I'm ever to get this patch merged. (Not
that anyone has said a word to me since I posted it having solved all
the issues that pbrook raised)

In particular you call the variable loader_start which seems somewhat
misleading since essentially what it is is the emulated_sdram_base which
is what I called it.

I guess I'll have to do some serious merge work into my working tree and
then post another patch. If you're interested. If not then I'll just
carry on in my own little world and not bother with submitting to trunk,
which seems a serious pity as it simply ends up being more work for all
concerned and it forks the project.

Hopefully we can come to some agreement about this which isn't a schism
in processes.



Daniel Silverstone                              http://www.simtec.co.uk/
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