On Wed, 10 Jan 2024 at 14:38, Bohdan Kostiv <bogdan.kos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have faced an issue in using serial ports when I need to skip a couple of 
> ports in the CLI.
> For example the ARM machine netduinoplus2 supports up to 7 UARTS.
> Following case works (the first UART is used to send data in the firmware):
> qemu-system-arm -machine netduinoplus2 -nographic -serial mon:stdio -kernel 
> path-to-fw/firmware.elf
> But this one doesn't  (the third UART is used to send data in the firmware):
> qemu-system-arm -machine netduinoplus2 -nographic -serial none -serial none 
> -serial mon:stdio -kernel path-to-fw/firmware.elf

Thanks for this patch. I'll have a think about whether it's
the right fix next week. In the meantime, I suspect you'll find
that if you use "-serial null -serial null -serial mon:stdio" in
your command line example you'll find that does what you're aiming for.

("-serial none" means "don't create a serial port device", whereas
"-serial null" means "create a serial port device, but have its
input and output go to nowhere".)

-- PMM

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