This small series is a spin-off from [1], where the patches
already acked from that large patchset may get merged earlier
without having to wait for those that are still in review.

The last 3 patches (10 - 12) are bug fix to an issue where
cancellation of ongoing migration may lead to busted network.
These are the only outstanding patches in this patchset with
no acknowledgement received as yet. Please try to review
them at the earliest oppotunity. Thanks!


[1] [PATCH 00/40] vdpa-net: improve migration downtime through descriptor ASID 
and persistent IOTLB


Si-Wei Liu (12):
  vdpa: add back vhost_vdpa_net_first_nc_vdpa
  vdpa: no repeat setting shadow_data
  vdpa: factor out vhost_vdpa_last_dev
  vdpa: factor out vhost_vdpa_net_get_nc_vdpa
  vdpa: add vhost_vdpa_set_address_space_id trace
  vdpa: add vhost_vdpa_get_vring_base trace for svq mode
  vdpa: add vhost_vdpa_set_dev_vring_base trace for svq mode
  vdpa: add trace events for vhost_vdpa_net_load_cmd
  vdpa: add trace event for vhost_vdpa_net_load_mq
  vdpa: define SVQ transitioning state for mode switching
  vdpa: indicate transitional state for SVQ switching
  vdpa: fix network breakage after cancelling migration

 hw/virtio/trace-events         |  4 ++--
 hw/virtio/vhost-vdpa.c         | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 include/hw/virtio/vhost-vdpa.h |  9 +++++++++
 net/trace-events               |  6 ++++++
 net/vhost-vdpa.c               | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 5 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)


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