On Fri, Apr 05, 2024 at 06:44:52PM +0100, Jonathan Cameron wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Apr 2024 12:07:45 -0400
> Gregory Price <gregory.pr...@memverge.com> wrote:
> > 3. (C) Upon Device receiving Release Dynamic Capacity Request
> >    a. check for a pending release request. If exists, error.
> Not sure that's necessary - can queue as long as the head
> can track if the bits are in a pending release state.

Yeah probably it's fine to just queue the event and everything
downstream just handles it.

> >    b. check that the bits in the MHD bitmap are actually set
> Good.
> > 
> >    function: qmp_cxl_process_dynamic_capacity
> > 
> > 4. (D) Upon Device receiving Release Dynamic Capacity Response
> >    a. clear the bits in the mhd bitmap
> >    b. remove the pending request from the pending list
> > 
> >    function: cmd_dcd_release_dyn_cap
> > 
> > Something to note: The MHD bitmap is essentially the same as the
> > existing DCD extent bitmap - except that it is located in a shared
> > region of memory (mmap file, shm, whatever - pick one).
> I think you will ideally also have a per head one to track head access
> to the things offered by the mhd.

Generally I try not to duplicate state, reduces consistency problems.

You do still need a shared memory state and a per-head state to capture
per-head data, but the allocation bitmap is really device-global state.

Either way you have a race condition when checking the bitmap during a
memory access in the process of adding/releasing capacity - but that's
more an indication of bad host behavior than it is of a bug in the
implementatio of the emulated device. Probably we don't need to
read-lock the bitmap (for access validation), only write-lock.

My preference, for what it's worth, would be to have a single bitmap
and have it be anonymous-memory for Single-head and file-backed for
for Multi-head.  I'll have to work out the locking mechanism.


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