
> > Options I see:
> > 
> >   (a) Stop using direct kernel boot, let virt-install & other tools
> >       create vfat boot media with shim+kernel+initrd instead.
> > 
> >   (b) Enroll the distro signing keys in the efi variable store, so
> >       booting the kernel without shim.efi works.
> > 
> >   (c) Add support for loading shim to qemu (and ovmf), for example
> >       with a new '-shim' command line option which stores shim.efi
> >       in some new fw_cfg file.
> The problem with this is that now virt-install  has to actually
> find the correct a shim.efi binary. It is already somewhat hard
> to find a suitable kerenl+initrd binary, and AFAIK, the places
> where we get these binaries don't have shim.efi alongside.
> eg for RHEL/Fedora we grab kernel+initrd from the pxeboot dir:
> https://fedora.mirrorservice.org/fedora/linux/development/rawhide/Everything/x86_64/os/images/pxeboot/

shim is 

> In various forums we have discussed adding the secureboot
> certs to the libosinfo database, so that we can have a
> customized EFI varstore with minimized certs, even for the
> ISO / HDD boot scenario.

Well.  It's not that easy unfortunately.  At least the "minimized certs"
part.  shim often is signed with the microsoft keys only, so you can't
drop that without rendering the install.iso unbootable.

Only adding the distro certs without removing the microsoft certs works
of course.

> If we do that, then (b) is trivial for direct kernel boot too.


> (b) kills all birds with the same stone :-)

See above.  I'd love this being true but it is not.

> > (b) + (c) both require a fix for the patching issue.  The options
> > I see here are:
> > 
> >   (A) Move the patching from qemu to the linuxboot option rom.
> >       Strictly speaking it belongs there anyway.  It doesn't look
> >       that easy though, for qemu it is easier to gather all
> >       information needed ...
> > 
> >   (B) Provide both patched and unpatched setup header, so the
> >       guest can choose what it needs.
> > 
> >   (C) When implementing (c) above we can piggyback on the -shim
> >       switch and skip patching in case it is present.
> > 
> >   (D) Add a flag to skip the patching.
> > 
> > Comments?  Other/better ideas?
> I guess (b) + (D) is probably my preference.

I prefer (B) over (D) because that doesn't require a new config option
(which probably needs support in libvirt and possibly higher up in the
management stack too ...).

Patch series implementing (B) and the -shim switch:

Using -shim is optional, so it's up to virt-install whenever it wants go
for (b) or (c).

take care,

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