Hi Markus, Michael and Jonathan,

FYI. I have updated this patch based on the feedbacks so far, and posted here:

Comments are welcomed and appreciated.


On Wed, May 01, 2024 at 03:58:12PM +0100, Jonathan Cameron wrote:
> > > >> > +# @hid: host id  
> > > >> 
> > > >> @host-id, unless "HID" is established terminology in CXL DCD land.  
> > > >
> > > > host-id works.  
> > > >> 
> > > >> What is a host ID?  
> > > >
> > > > It is an id identifying the host to which the capacity is being added.  
> > > 
> > > How are these IDs assigned?  
> > 
> > All the arguments passed to the command here are defined in CXL spec. I
> > will add reference to the spec.
> > 
> > Based on the spec, for LD-FAM (Fabric attached memory represented as
> > logical device), host id is the LD-ID of the host interface to which
> > the capacity is being added. LD-ID is a unique number (16-bit) assigned
> > to a host interface.
> Key here is the host doesn't know it.  This ID exists purely for rooting
> to the appropriate host interface either via choosing a port on a
> multihead Single Logical Device (SLD) (so today it's always 0 as we only
> have one head) or if we ever implement a switch capable of handling MLDs
> then the switch will handle routing of host PCIe accesses so it lands
> on the interface defined by this ID (and the event turns up in that event log.
>             Host A         Host B - could in theory be a RP on host A ;)
>               |              |  Doesn't exist (yet, but there are partial.
>              _|______________|_ patches for this on list.
>             | LD 0         LD 1|
>             |                  |
>             |   Multi Head     |
>             |   Single Logical |
>             |  Device (MH-SLD) |
>             |__________________|
> Host view similar to the switch case, but just two direct
> connected devices.
> Or Switch and MLD case - we aren't emulating this yet at all
>      Wiring / real topology                 Host View 
>       Host A     Host B              Host A       Host B
>         |          |                   |            |
>      ___|__________|___               _|_          _|_
>     |   \  SWITCH /    |             |SW0|        | | |
>     |    \       /     |             | | |        | | |
>     |    LD0   LD1     |             | | |        | | |
>     |      \   /       |             | | |        | | |
>     |        |         |             | | |        | | |
>     |________|_________|             |_|_|        |_|_|
>              |                         |            |
>       Traffic tagged with LD           |            |
>              |                         |            |
>      ________|________________     ____|___     ____|___
>     | Multilogical Device MLD |   |        |   |        |
>     |        |                |   | Simple |   | Another|
>     |       / \               |   | CXL    |   | CXL    |
>     |      /   \              |   | Memory |   | Memory |
>     |    Interfaces           |   | Device |   | Device |
>     |   LD0     LD1           |   |        |   |        |
>     |_________________________|   |________|   |________|
> Note the hosts just see separate devices and switches with the fun exception 
> that the
> memory may actually be available to both at the same time.
> Control plane for the switches and MLD see what is actually going on.
> At this stage upshot is we could just default this to zero and add an optional
> parameter to set it later.
> ...
> > > >> > +# @extents: Extents to release
> > > >> > +#
> > > >> > +# Since : 9.1
> > > >> > +##
> > > >> > +{ 'command': 'cxl-release-dynamic-capacity',
> > > >> > +  'data': { 'path': 'str',
> > > >> > +            'hid': 'uint16',
> > > >> > +            'flags': 'uint8',
> > > >> > +            'region-id': 'uint8',
> > > >> > +            'tag': 'str',
> > > >> > +            'extents': [ 'CXLDCExtentRecord' ]
> > > >> > +           }
> > > >> > +}  
> > > >> 
> > > >> During review of v5, you wrote:
> > > >> 
> > > >>     For add command, the host will send a mailbox command to response 
> > > >> to
> > > >>     the add request to the device to indicate whether it accepts the 
> > > >> add
> > > >>     capacity offer or not.
> > > >>     
> > > >>     For release command, the host send a mailbox command (not always a
> > > >>     response since the host can proactively release capacity if it does
> > > >>     not need it any more) to device to ask device release the capacity.
> > > >> 
> > > >> Can you briefly sketch the protocol?  Peers and messages involved.
> > > >> Possibly as a state diagram.  
> > > >
> > > > Need to think about it. If we can polish the text nicely, maybe the
> > > > sketch is not needed. My concern is that the sketch may
> > > > introduce unwanted complexity as we expose too much details. The two
> > > > commands provide ways to add/release dynamic capacity to/from a host,
> > > > that is all. All the other information, like what the host will do, or
> > > > how the device will react, are consequence of the command, not sure
> > > > whether we want to include here.  
> > > 
> > > The protocol sketch is for me, not necessarily the doc comment.  I'd
> > > like to understand at high level how this stuff works, because only then
> > > can I meaningfully review the docs.  
> > 
> > --------------------------------
> > For add command, saying a user sends a request to FM to ask to add
> > extent A of the device (managed by FM) to host 0.
> > The function cxl-add-dynamic-capacity simulates what FM needs to do.
> This gets a little fiddly as an explanation.  I'd argue this is more or
> less at the level of the FM to device command flow so it's the device
> verifying etc. (you could explain this interface as talking to an FM
> that is talking to the device, but that just feels complicated to me).
> > 1. Verify extent A is valid (behaviour defined by the spec), return
> > error if not; otherwise,
> > 2. Add a record to the device's event log (indicating the intent to
> > add extent A to host 0), update device internal extent tracking status,
> > signal an interrupt to host 0;
> > (The above step 1 & 2 are performed in the QMP interface, following
> > operations are QMP irrelevant, only host and device involved.)
> In this patch.
> > 3. Once the interrupt is received, host 0 fetch the event record from
> > the device's event log through some mailbox command (out of scope
> > of this patch series).
> It's in patch 8.
> > 4. Host 0 decides whether it accepts extent A or not. Whether accept or
> > reject, host needs to send a response (add-response mailbox command) to
> > the device so the device can update its internal extent tracking
> > status accordingly.
> > The device return a value to the host showing whether the response is
> > successful or failed.
> (assuming the host isn't buggy this always succeeds)
> > 5. Based on the mailbox command return value, the host process
> > accordingly.
> Memory now useable by host if it accepted it successfully.
> > 6. The host sends a mailbox command to the device to clear the event
> > record in the device's event log. 
> > 
> > ---------------------------------
> > For release command, saying a user sends a request to FM to ask host 0
> > to release extent A and return it back to the device (managed by FM).
> > 
> > The function cxl-release-dynamic-capacity simulates what FM needs to do.
> > 1. Verify extent A is valid (defined by the spec), return error if not;
> > otherwise,
> > 2. Add a record to the event log (indicating the intent to
> > release extent A from host 0), signal an interrupt to host 0;
> > (The above step 1 & 2 are performed in the QMP interface, following
> > operations are QMP irrelevant, only host and device involved.
> > 3. Once the interrupt is received, host 0 fetch the event record from
> > the device's event log through some mailbox command (out of scope
> > of this patch series).
> > 4. Host 0 decides whether it can release extent A or not. Whether can or
> > cannot release, host needs to send a release (mailbox command) to the device
> > so the device can update its internal extent tracking status accordingly.
> > The device returns a value to host 0 showing whether the release is
> > successful or failed.
> > 5. Based on the returned value, the host process accordingly.
> > 6. The host sends mailbox command to clear the event record in the
> > device's event log. 
> > 
> > For release command, it is more complicated. Based on the release flag
> > passed to FM, FM can behaviour differently. For example, if the
> > forced-removal flag is set, FM can directly get the extent back from a
> > host for other uses without waiting for the host to send command to the
> > device. For the above step 2, their may be not event record to the event
> > log (no supported in this patch series yet).
> I thought we weren't doing force remove yet?  So for that we could
> set default value as normal release until we add that support perhaps.
> > 
> > Also, for the release interface here, it simulates FM initializes the
> > release request.
> > There is another case where the host can proactively release extents it
> > do not need any more back to device. However, this case is out of the
> > scope of this release interface.
> > 
> > Hope the above text helps a little for the context here.
> > Let me know if further clarification is needed.
> Only thing I'd add is that for now (because we don't need it for testing
> the kernel flows) is that this does not provide any way for external
> agents (e.g. our 'fabric manager' to find out what the state is - i.e.
> if the extents have been accepted by the host etc). That stuff is all
> defined by the spec, but not yet in the QMP interface.  At somepoint
> we may want to add that as a state query type interface.
> Jonathan
> p.s. Our emails raced yesterday, so great you put together this explanation
> of the flows before I got to it :)
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Fan
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > >   
> > > > @Jonathan, Any thoughts on this?  
> > > 
> > > Thanks!
> > >   

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