The KVM/QEMU community call is at: https://meet.jit.si/kvmcallmeeting @ 11/6/2024 14:00 UTC Are there any agenda items for the sync-up? One that has been suggested is looking at the current Rust proposals: https://wiki.qemu.org/RustInQemu And discussing what we want to see for something to be upstreamble. -- Alex Bennée Virtualisation Tech Lead @ Linaro Alex maintains the invite on our Linaro project calendar here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=MWd2dWI5NDM1bzdocnJlbTBhMHJhbG5sNWlfMjAyNDAyMjBUMTQwMDAwWiBjX2s1cDJscGd2YnB0ZGlya3U1c2kwMWJsbW5rQGc&tmsrc=c_k5p2lpgvbptdirku5si01blmnk%40group.calendar.google.com&scp=ALL