Alon Levy writes:
>> I don't see the reason for such a change, as in the current bash code it's 
>> not
>> used except when generating files in the 'stap' format.

> Have you tried building with trace backend dtrace? without those changed
> it breaks because requires both target_arch and target_type
> for dtrace backend. Either change the source or change the invocation. I
> thought the later is better, hence this patch.

If you're referring to your changes in related to this (when
checking binary/prefix/etc), it should be fixed in v3 without resorting to your

    -     if format == "stap":
    +     if arg_format == "stap":

Instead of your proposal:

    -     if format == "stap":
    +     if arg_backend == "dtrace":

I didn't try to compile the resulting dtrace files (they should be the same),
but tracetool does not fail with the aforementioned changes.


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