Hi qemu list,

this is a small "donation" for a x86/32bits small distro I'm toying with.
it's reached a small 1st step (bootable and stable enough): v0.1

lots of kudos and credits to:
- linux developers
- qemu developers
- busybox developers
- and soon uclibc developers
- of course, Rob Landley who's in direct cc of this
(look Ma!: signature...)

my target was to have a small bootable iso, even if I do not use
kqemu. sorry, I do not intend yet to support other architectures.

I'll try to keep it small, but feature suggestions are welcome, until
detaolb becomes bloated...


 << There's a symlink from awk to gawk, if you're using gawk!
If you're not using gawk, there's no symlink from gawk to awk!
Use the standard names, _please_! >> - Rob Landley

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