    I am using QEMU to debug Linux Kernel. And a boot disk is create
through qemu-img. It can cannot be booted with other built kernel. The
process is as the following show:
   create disk image like this:
          qemu-img create -f raw rootdisk.img 8G
   install redhat EL4 U4:
          qemu -boot d -cdrom rhel4u4-disc1.img -hda rootdisk.img
   during installation:
          /dev/hda1 ---> /boot ext2
          /dev/hda2 ----->/       ext2
          /dev/hda3------>    swap
   after the installation, file rootdisk.img, it shows:
          rootdisk.img:      x86 boot sector, code offset 0x48
    it can work like this:
          qemu rootdisk.img
    enter the system:fdisk -l, it shows that
        Partition table entries are not in disk order

    it also panics with other new built kernel like:
     qemu -kernel bzImage -hda rootdisk.img
    but the same kernel can work with the disk image down from qemu's
     qemu -kernel bzImage -hda linux-0.2.img
     The only difference between rootdisk.img and linux-0.2.img is their
file atrributes as the following:
      rootdisk.img:      x86 boot sector, code offset 0x48
      linux-0.2.img:      x86 boot sector

      pls help check the above process. I will appreciate that anyone
points the potential errors.
     thank you~

best wishes,

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