On Tue, 16 Jul 2024 at 16:48, BALATON Zoltan <bala...@eik.bme.hu> wrote:

> Only a guess but I think ARM like POWER has weak memory consistency so
> maybe some sync ops are needed between writes somewhere whereas it would
> work on X86_64 that has strong guarantees so no such explicit sync is
> needed? I may completely wrong though, it's just what this reminded me of.

I didn't think this should matter for MMIO, which causes a VM exit instead
of a memory write.

The x86-64 and aarch64 binaries of Apple's PVG framework clearly diverge in
a number of ways. (For one, the x86-64 binary completely lacks the
IOSurface mapper sub-device used by Virtualization.framework and the
vmapple variant of the code here.) So I think the reason is more likely
down to implementation details in Apple's framework.

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