malc escribió:
On Fri, 11 May 2012, Roger Pau Monne wrote:

This is a bug fix for rc1, although I think this bug has been present
for a long time.

If there's a bug than it's within NetBSD itself, this issue has been
discussed few times (at least twice it hink) in the past, please search
the ML archives.



I've found


But none of them seems to reach a conclusion about how to solve this. The standard regarding stdint.h doesn't forbid having this types defined as both typedefs and preprocessor macros, so I don't think this is a NetBSD bug. As far as I can see, we have at least three ways of solving this:

 - Undef the macros.
- Use something like concat(conv_natural_, uint8_t, _to_mono) (as done on the second thread I've posted).
 - Pass two separate arguments; instead of using:

#define IN_T uint8_t

use something like:

#define BSIZE 8
#define ITYPE uint

But this will probably introduce quite some modifications.

Anyway, how do you think it's best to solve this?

Regards, Roger.

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