Am 24.05.2012 20:36, schrieb Anthony Liguori:
On 05/24/2012 01:12 PM, Stefan Weil wrote:
This discussion looks strange for me.

I'm not going to commit patches with a Signed-off-by if I know the name is an alias.

DCO requires the use of a real name. DCO is an important part of ensuring the pedigree of a code base just like copyright licensing.


Anthony Liguori

As I wrote in my previous mail, (personal) names are not absolute,
but influenced by cultural facts. DCO was something written by
lawyers from the western culture where individual personal names
exist since some time and where these names are usually
more or less constant during the life of a person. AFAIK,
DCO was introduced for legal reasons (SCO => DCO).

It would be interesting to know how many names used in Linux
commits since DCO are faked real names. Without enforcing
certified signatures, enforcing "real names" (that's names which
look like some name you know) does not really ensure something.
Nor does the requirement of a valid mail address.
It is only an alibi pedigree.

Even in America and Europe, the concept of a "real name" is
rather new (only some hundred years old), and there still exist cultures
without personal names. See
for more information. People change their name even today when
they migrate from one country to another (many US immigrants did
this, too) or when they change their religion (remember Cassius Clay?).

Nevertheless I can understand that you are bound by the requirements
of your employer.


Steve (that's the name by which I was called when I was a youngster)

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