>From a usability perspective, I also would expect this to be the correct
behaviour. Non-technical users using, say, Windows (in full-screen mode)
on a GNU/Linux desktop need to know that their HDD is full and they must
free up space - not have the guest complain about cryptic HDD errors and
failed writes (assuming the guest OS can even be trusted to do this).

Pausing the VM and notifying the user of no free host storage space is
also the same behaviour as other virtualization products, so this might
already be the expected behaviour from the user's POV.

At the very least, I feel a switch to enable this behaviour would be


On Thu, 2007-07-12 at 23:39 +0300, Alexey Eremenko wrote:
> Pause VMs is the only realistic option. This is the correct option,
> because it ensures that guest is still alive.
>  Other options might crash the guest, like Windows BSOD. Worse yet is
> that guest may think that it's hard disk is bad, and will start
> marking it's sectors as bad-blocks.
> When the VM is paused, the user may take action to free some disk
> space and unpause guest manually.

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