Clemens Kolbitsch wrote:
Clemens Kolbitsch wrote:
hi everyone!
i have a strange problem (at least to me it seems strange :-)  ):

i have implemented a pci device (Network IC) and it works just fine when
using a standard image. however i now want to support snapshotting...

i started to convert my image into the qcow2 format and suddenly my code
does not work any more... even if i uncomment everything that has to do
with snapshotting in my code, it still blocks during qemu startup.

the thing that could cause this: i use 2 additional threads in my NIC
code ... each is working with semaphores that might cause problems.

is there something in particular i have to be careful of when using qcow2
file format?

Qcow2 uses async io which triggers io completion with SIGIO signal.
If you use threads you must mask this (and also SIGALARM, ..) so your
thread won't
take over the main threads handling.
Anyway, using threads is not the standard qemu guideline.

Ok.. thanks! How do I tell Qemu that I use threads (in this case I don't see an easy way around using them... although there is one obviously ;-) )??

All other NIC emulation work without threads. They use select (qemu_set_fd_handler)
In what other HW example can I see how to use the SIGIO completion stuff?
Actually I had a mistake, qemu use SIGUSR2 for async io and SIGIO for timer management.

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