On 08/22/2012 08:32 AM, Benoît Canet wrote:
>> Since we have two fields named *-nsec, it might be worth clarifying that
>> date-nsec is merely the fractional portion to be combined with date-sec
>> (always less than 1000000000), while vm-clock-nsec includes seconds if
>> the drift is that large.
>> For that matter, should we even be exposing things in this manner?  I
>> know the internal struct has seconds and nanos separate for date,
>> because it maps to struct timespec; but why can't we combine them into
>> one giant number for JSON?
> Wouldn't people working with low level language be annoyed after parsing
> this JSON to have to split this combined number in two parts to fit
> them back into struct timespec ?

Perhaps, in which case, why don't we present vm-clock-nsec via two
fields of seconds and fraction, for the same reasoning?  My point is
that we have two different bike shed colors showing in this one API, but
I would prefer we be consistent and pick just one (as to _which_ color,
I can be persuaded either way).

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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