On Sun, 2007-10-07 at 17:06 -0400, Robert Reif wrote:
> PPC compiling has been broken for me in CVS for a few days and is 
> getting worse.
> I'm running Red Hat 9.
> plain text document attachment (ppc.errors.txt)

The current CVS builds here, at least on amd64 and x86.
But Red Hat as a long tradition of buggy compilers, it seems...

As I usually use gcc 3.4.6, I just tried with official gcc 4.1.1, 4.1.2
and 4.2.0 and it this file (target-ppc/translate.c) still compiles (with
a lot of warnings though).

I also took a look in C 99 specification and I saw no restriction on
#ifdef _this_is_defined
when do_this() is defined as a macro.

May I suggest you to use a C99 compliant compiler ?
I don't feel like making my code less readable just because some use
buggy compilers. (but if someone tells me what in the ISO C
specification, that I would have missed, explicitelly forbids this).


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