On Sunday 14 October 2007 5:14:27 am J. Mayer wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-10-14 at 11:19 +0200, Oliver Falk wrote:
> > Hi list!
> Hi you !
> > Just wanted to know how far the progress on alpha target is? I would be
> > happy if I have some 'virtual alpha' to test new isos.
> >
> > If I can help some way (I have a few alphas around). Let me know.
> I'm happy to see someone interresting in improving Alpha support, which
> is .... very alpha for now !

I'm interested in testing Alpha too, but I haven't seem a qemu-system-alpha 
show up yet.  Alas, I have no hardware or specific expertise in this 
platform, I'm just trying to build and boot Linux kernels (and corresponding 
root filesystems) on as many emulated target platforms as I can.

"One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code."
  - Ken Thompson.

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