This takes the declarations generated by the QIDL parser and converts
them to QAPI schemas to generate the visitor routines and other
supporting code for QIDL.

Signed-off-by: Michael Roth <>
 scripts/ |  281 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 281 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 scripts/

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5726d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+# QIDL Code Generator
+# Copyright IBM, Corp. 2012
+# Authors:
+#  Anthony Liguori <>
+#  Michael Roth    <>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2.
+# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+from ordereddict import OrderedDict
+from qidl_parser import parse_file
+from qapi import parse_schema, mcgen, camel_case, de_camel_case
+from qapi_visit import generate_visit_struct, push_indent, pop_indent
+import sys
+import json
+import getopt
+import os
+import errno
+def qapi_schema(node):
+    schema = OrderedDict()
+    data = OrderedDict()
+    fields = None
+    if node.has_key('typedef'):
+        schema['type'] = node['typedef']
+        fields = node['type']['fields']
+    elif node.has_key('struct'):
+        schema['type'] = node['struct']
+        fields = node['fields']
+    else:
+        raise Exception("top-level neither typedef nor struct")
+    for field in fields:
+        if filter(lambda x: field.has_key(x), \
+                ['is_derived', 'is_immutable', 'is_broken', 'is_function', \
+                 'is_nested_decl', 'is_elsewhere']):
+            continue
+        description = {}
+        if field['type'].endswith('_t'):
+            typename = field['type'][:-2]
+        elif field['type'].startswith('struct '):
+            typename = field['type'].split(" ")[1]
+        elif field['type'].startswith('enum '):
+            typename = 'int'
+        elif field['type'] == "_Bool":
+            typename = 'bool'
+        elif field['type'].endswith("char") and field.has_key('is_pointer'):
+            typename = 'str';
+        elif field['type'] == 'int':
+            typename = 'int32'
+        elif field['type'] == 'unsigned int':
+            typename = 'uint32'
+        elif field['type'] == 'char':
+            typename = 'uint8'
+        else:
+            typename = field['type']
+        if field.has_key('is_array') and field['is_array']:
+            description['type'] = [typename]
+            description['<annotated>'] = 'true'
+            if field.has_key('array_size'):
+                description['array_size'] = field['array_size']
+            if field.has_key('array_capacity'):
+                description['array_capacity'] = field['array_capacity']
+        elif camel_case(de_camel_case(typename)) == typename and \
+            (not field.has_key('is_pointer') or not field['is_pointer']):
+            description['<annotated>'] = 'true'
+            description['<embedded struct>'] = 'true'
+            description['type'] = typename
+        else:
+            description = typename
+        if field.has_key('is_optional') and field['is_optional']:
+            data["*" + field['variable']] = description
+        else:
+            data[field['variable']] = description
+    schema['data'] = data
+    return schema
+def parse_schema_file(filename):
+    return parse_schema(open(filename, 'r'))
+def write_file(output, filename):
+    if filename:
+        output_file = open(filename, 'w')
+    else:
+        output_file = sys.stdout
+    output_file.write(output)
+    if filename:
+        output_file.close()
+def property_list(node):
+    prop_list = []
+    fields = None
+    if node.has_key('typedef'):
+        state = node['typedef']
+        fields = node['type']['fields']
+    elif node.has_key('struct'):
+        state = node['struct']
+        fields = node['fields']
+    else:
+        raise Exception("top-level neither typedef nor struct")
+    for field in fields:
+        if not field.has_key('is_property'):
+            continue
+        for arglist in field['property_fields']:
+            if field['variable'] == 'devfn':
+                typename = 'pci_devfn'
+            elif field['type'].endswith('_t'):
+                typename = field['type'][:-2]
+            elif field['type'] == "_Bool":
+                typename = 'bool'
+            elif field.has_key('is_pointer'):
+                if field['type'] in ("char", "const char"):
+                    typename = "string"
+                elif field['type'] == "void":
+                    typename = "ptr"
+            else:
+                typename = field['type']
+            prop = {}
+            prop['name'] = arglist[0]
+            prop['state'] = state
+            prop['type'] = typename
+            prop['field'] = field['variable']
+            if len(arglist) == 2:
+                prop['default'] = arglist[1]
+            elif len(arglist) == 3:
+                prop['type'] = 'bit'
+                prop['bit'] = arglist[1]
+                prop['default'] = arglist[2]
+            prop_list.append(prop)
+    return prop_list
+def generate_include(include_path):
+    return mcgen('''
+#include "%(include)s"
+                       include=include_path)
+def generate_property_bit(type_name, prop):
+    if prop.has_key('default'):
+        return mcgen('''
+        DEFINE_PROP_BIT(%(name)s, %(state)s, %(field)s, %(bit)s, %(default)s),
+                        name=prop['name'], state=prop['state'],
+                        field=prop['field'], bit=prop['bit'],
+                        default=prop['default'])
+    return mcgen('''
+        DEFINE_PROP_BIT(%(name)s, %(state)s, %(field)s, %(bit)s),
+                 name=prop['name'], state=prop['state'],
+                 field=prop['field'], bit=prop['bit'])
+def generate_property(type_name, prop):
+    if prop.has_key('default'):
+        return mcgen('''
+        DEFINE_PROP_%(type)s(%(name)s, %(state)s, %(field)s, %(default)s),
+                        type=prop['type'].upper(),  name=prop['name'],
+                        state=prop['state'], field=prop['field'],
+                        default=prop['default'])
+    return mcgen('''
+        DEFINE_PROP_%(type)s(%(name)s, %(state)s, %(field)s),
+                 type=prop['type'].upper(),  name=prop['name'],
+                 state=prop['state'], field=prop['field'])
+def generate_properties(type_name, prop_list=[]):
+    output = ""
+    for prop in prop_list:
+        if prop['type'] == 'bit':
+            output += generate_property_bit(type_name, prop)
+        else:
+            output += generate_property(type_name, prop)
+    output += mcgen('''
+    return output
+def generate_qidl_registration(type_name, schema, do_state, prop_list=[]):
+    schema_text = json.dumps("%s" % json.dumps(schema))
+    visitor = "NULL"
+    if do_state:
+        visitor = "visit_type_%s" % type_name
+    return mcgen('''
+static char *%(type_name)s_get_schema(Object *obj, Error **errp)
+    return g_strdup(qidl_data_%(type_name)s.schema_json_text);
+static void %(type_name)s_register_qidl(void)
+    static Property properties[] = {
+    };
+    ObjectProperty *schema_link;
+    qidl_data_%(type_name) = properties;
+    qidl_data_%(type_name)s.visitor = %(visitor)s;
+    qidl_data_%(type_name)s.schema_json_text = %(schema_text)s;
+    schema_link = object_property_find(container_get(object_get_root(), 
+                                       "%(type_name)s", NULL);
+    qidl_data_%(type_name)s.schema_obj = container_get(object_get_root(), 
+    if (!schema_link) {
+        object_property_add_str(qidl_data_%(type_name)s.schema_obj, 
+                                %(type_name)s_get_schema, NULL, NULL);
+    }
+                 type_name=type_name, schema_text=schema_text, visitor=visitor,
+                 properties=generate_properties(type_name, prop_list))
+def main(argv=[]):
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv[1:], "o:cd:I:",
+                                       ["output-filepath=", "include="])
+    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+        print >> sys.stderr, err
+        return 1
+    output_filepath = None
+    includes = []
+    for o, a in opts:
+        if o in ("-f", "--output-filepath"):
+            output_filepath = a
+        elif o in ("-I", "--include"):
+            includes.append(a)
+    nodes = parse_file(sys.stdin)
+    if not nodes:
+        return 2
+    if os.path.dirname(output_filepath) != "":
+        try:
+            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_filepath))
+        except os.error, e:
+            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+                raise
+    output = ""
+    for include in includes:
+        output += generate_include(include)
+    for node in nodes:
+        do_state = False
+        schema = qapi_schema(node)
+        prop_list = []
+        # qapi parser expects iteration to be line-by-line
+        schema_text = json.dumps(schema, indent=4).replace("\"", 
+        expr = parse_schema(schema_text)[0]
+        if node.has_key('do_state') and node['do_state']:
+            do_state = True
+            output += generate_visit_struct(expr['type'], expr['data'], True)
+        if node.has_key('do_properties') and node['do_properties']:
+            prop_list = property_list(node)
+        output += generate_qidl_registration(expr['type'], schema, do_state, 
+    write_file(output, output_filepath)
+    return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))

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