On Fri, 9 Nov 2007, Rick Vernam wrote:

On Thursday 08 November 2007 10:51:01 pm Kyle Kilpatrick wrote:
Hello.  First, let me say that I realize this is not exactly the place for
this.  Non-developer problems with Qemu should go on the Qemu forum... But
they're down right now, so please bear with me here.  I apologize for
taking up all you developers' time.


For some reason, I am thinking that I never got the ES1370 card to work unless
I did funny things with commas in it's declaration in the command line.

In my shell script, I have this: -soundhw ,es1370,
Is that necessary?  I have no clue, but that's what I use & it works.

No it shouldn't be necessary. I just ran dsl with `-soundhw es1370' and
it worked as expected.


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