On 12/11/12 11:09, Tim Hardeck wrote:
> * make sure that qemu is compiled with --enable-vnc-png
> * git clone git://github.com/kanaka/noVNC
> * edit include/rfb.js at line 50 and comment out or remove all encodings 
> above "['TIGHT_PNG',        -260 ],"
> * open vnc.html in Firefox or Chrome
> *apply either my patch to QEMU https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html
> /qemu-devel/2012-12/msg00869.html or use Websockify
> https://github.com/kanaka/websockify to get Websocket support.
> * in case of my patch run QEMU with  `-vnc :0,websocket` and connect
> with noVNC to port 5700.
> * in case of Websockify run QEMU with `./websockify.py 5900 -- qemu-
> system-x86_64 -vnc :0` and connect to port 5900

Hmm, doesn't reproduce here (using websockify proxy).

--- a/include/rfb.js
+++ b/include/rfb.js
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ var that           = {},  // Public API methods

     // In preference order
     encodings      = [
-        ['COPYRECT',         0x01 ],
-        ['TIGHT',            0x07 ],
+//        ['COPYRECT',         0x01 ],
+//        ['TIGHT',            0x07 ],
         ['TIGHT_PNG',        -260 ],
         ['HEXTILE',          0x05 ],
         ['RRE',              0x02 ],


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