On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 05:21:08PM +0200, Yuval Kashtan wrote:
> As I can see,
> There is HUGH interest in management API for QEMU.
> seemly, DBus is NOT the right solution for direct integration into QEMU as
> it is not cross platform enough, pose extra dependency and (probably) not
> suitable for embedded systems.
> Keeping only the "old" monitor interface with no formal interface will make
> QEMU harder to integrate with as it requires extra work

The monitor does have an initial barrier to entry, but that can be addressed
by providing a C API which sends & receives monitor commands. This does not
require any intrusive modification of QEMU, at most incremental enhancements
to make the monitor more complete.

> C API is not a complete solution as it does not define well enough how will
> you integrate with QEMU without changing or adding to the source..
> But combined with AVI's idea of some plug-in mechanism, which will use this
> C API, it sounds like a complete and valid solution.

You are now exposing the internals of QEMU as a stable ABI which has to be 
maintained indefinittely to avoid breaking these out-of-tree plugins. THis
does not sound like a winning solution since it'll dramatically restrict 
the scope of future development of QEMU code.

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