
On 04/01/2008, John W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 3.  gpio line 37, I took a stab in the dark.
> With this change, eth0 seemed to continue to work
> perfectly.
> As for Eth1:
> 1.  The Linux Kernel seemed to ALSO recognize eth1.
> (example: ifconfig eth1 seemed to work fine)
> 2.  Sending packets out the eth1 interface seemed
> "okay", since I could run tcpdump on the tap1 host
> interface and see packets coming from the virtualized
> Connex eth1.
> 3.  Unfortunately, the eth1 device seems to have
> problems receiving packets due to some Interrupt
> conflict.  I seem to get a number of the following
> errors:
> NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth1: transmit timed out
> I was wondering if:
> 1. Anyone else out there was working on adding support
> for another Ethernet interface for the Gumstix connex
> (or Gumstix verdex)
> OR
> 2. Anyone could suggest some information on trying to
> add in another Ethernet interface.

cat /proc/interrupts may yield some information on which pin the
second NIC is connected to. The distance between the interrupt numbers
for eth0 and eth1 should be the same as between eth0 GPIO and eth1
GPIO. In particular they may be using the same GPIO with the two
signals being ORed or ANDed, or other combination, this can be done in
qemu too.


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