Am 05.01.2008 um 03:47 schrieb Rob Landley:

You can disable overcommit and give the system an egregious amount of swap
space, but then your pathological case is the system going into swap
thrashing la-la land and essentially freezing (advancing at 0.1% of its normal rate, if that, for _hours_) instead of killing some runaway processes
(or rebooting) and recovering.

Quite obviously, we have very different expectations on what executables should do. I expect code to be as reliable as possible, to be careful when aquiring resources and if a process would ever happen to make my computer spontanuously reboot, I'd throw that binary as far away as possible and warn everybody else not to even touch this thing.

One of the major reasons to run emulators is to protect against such sloppy code, btw.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter

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