On Sat, Jan 05, 2008 at 08:22:33PM -0600, Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belon wrote:

> the exact number of sectors is really not that relevant, as the whole point
> here is to try to detect if it is a CD (700MB) or a DVD (4.7GB) and the logic
> is just assuming that if it has more sectors than you should normally expect
> in a CD, then it is a DVD.

My answer was quite relevant to Rob's question, which was "Where does 
the constant come from, anyway?"

As for the code, there's a choice between using an incorrect value, and 
correctly detecting for the vast majority of cases, and using the 
correct value and correctly detecting for 100% of cases.  Perhaps "only 
marginally broken" is "good enough", seeing as nobody's complained.

> but I had already enough problems trying to get this
> merged without trying to change the code that much to try to guess a better
> magic number than the one was originally used (I like 1440000 though)

Sorry, but did anyone complain?

Stuart Brady

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