
Here's a revamped mini-series doing cleanups of x86_defs for v1.4 before we
proceed with X86CPU subclasses for v1.5.

v2 leaves the cpudef hooks in place and refactors only within functions.

Intended to catch this week's qom-cpu pull if there are no more objections.


v1 -> v2:
* MAINTAINERS patch was applied already.
* Redone on master.
* Actually removed x86_def_t next pointer this time.
* Instead of pulling -cpu host handling out of cpu_x86_find_by_name(),
  moved it to the front of that function.
* Deferred cleanup of cpudef_setup() hooks.

Cc: Eduardo Habkost <ehabk...@redhat.com>
Cc: Igor Mammedov <imamm...@redhat.com>

Andreas Färber (2):
  target-i386: Simplify cpu_x86_find_by_name()
  target-i386: Drop redundant list of CPU definitions

 target-i386/cpu.c |   42 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 Datei geändert, 21 Zeilen hinzugefügt(+), 21 Zeilen entfernt(-)


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