On Monday 07 January 2008 14:38:54 Julian Seward wrote:
> > [discussion about where to host a bugzilla]
> Perhaps a more important question is, is there interest in making
> a stable branch, tracking bugs and producing bug-fix-only releases
> from the stable branch?  As is traditional in (eg) gcc, etc?  If not,
> I don't think there is much point in having a bugzilla.

Note that a stable bugfix-only branch doesn't have to be maintained by the 
same person who maintains the development branch, and often these _are_ 
different people.

The main limiting factor is a volunteer to do the work.  You can always do 
an "unofficial" bugfix-only release and get it blessed later.  (That's how 
the Windows and MacOS X binary releases seem to work.)

"One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code."
  - Ken Thompson.

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