On 20 March 2013 00:00, Paolo Bonzini <pbonz...@redhat.com> wrote:
> ARM is already quite good in that respect.  However, until all
> architectures are converted cpu_*_init needs to remain because of
> user-mode targets (where the CPUs are created by common code, there is
> no board to encapsulate the target-specific differences).  IMHO waiting
> for the demise of cpu_*_init is putting the cart before the horse, or
> another similar proverb.

As I say, I don't object to you moving the cpu init code into the
a*mpcore containers. I do object to you moving the a*mpcore
containers into hw/arm, and so transitively I object to changes
to the containers made only with the intent to cause them to move
into hw/arm.

> (Also, I don't see much difference between using a function in
> target-ARCH and using a TYPE_FOO define from target-ARCH.  They are the
> same thing masked through RTTI.  hw/ARCH should really be the bridge
> between target-ARCH and hw/everything-else, and a*mpcore.c fits in that
> description).

Basically I don't like the way your categorization scheme seems
to be "kind of device, except for stuff in hw/ARCH which has
a completely different rationale". I'm OK with hw/ARCH having
board models, because that's really "kind of device", it's
just split what ought to be hw/boards into a bunch of separate
directories. And I've accepted having some of the random "needs
fixing and splitting and chucking back out of hw/ARCH" code as
a temporary measure. But please stop trying to push stuff into
hw/ARCH rather than categorising it properly. I feel like I'm
arguing round in circles here.

-- PMM

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