On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 09:47:02PM +0100, Juergen Lock wrote:
> Hi!
>  I've prepared a FreeBSD qemu-devel port update, as already mentioned
> on the freebsd-emulation list, and found the FreeBSD 7.0/amd64 isos
> now pagefault repeatedly, saying:
> panic: page fault
> cpuid = 0
> kernel trap 12 with interrupts disabled
> Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
> cpuid = 0; apic id = 00
> fault virtual address   = 0x20
> fault code              = supervisor read data, page not present
> instruction pointer     = 0x8:0xffffffff8046c704
> trap number             = 12
> frame pointer           = 0x10:0x0
> ...
> 0xffffffff8046c704 in the 7.0-RELEASE kernel used on the isos is
> in _thread_lock_flags:
> (kgdb) disassemble _thread_lock_flags 
> Dump of assembler code for function _thread_lock_flags:
> 0xffffffff8046c6e0 <_thread_lock_flags+0>:    push   %r14
> 0xffffffff8046c6e2 <_thread_lock_flags+2>:    mov    %rdi,%r14
> 0xffffffff8046c6e5 <_thread_lock_flags+5>:    push   %r13
> 0xffffffff8046c6e7 <_thread_lock_flags+7>:    push   %r12
> 0xffffffff8046c6e9 <_thread_lock_flags+9>:    push   %rbp
> 0xffffffff8046c6ea <_thread_lock_flags+10>:   push   %rbx
> 0xffffffff8046c6eb <_thread_lock_flags+11>:   mov    %gs:0x0,%r13
> 0xffffffff8046c6f4 <_thread_lock_flags+20>:   xor    %r12d,%r12d
> 0xffffffff8046c6f7 <_thread_lock_flags+23>:   callq  0xffffffff8071df80 
> <spinlock_enter>
> 0xffffffff8046c6fc <_thread_lock_flags+28>:   mov    (%r14),%rbp
> 0xffffffff8046c6ff <_thread_lock_flags+31>:   mov    $0x4,%eax
> 0xffffffff8046c704 <_thread_lock_flags+36>:   lock cmpxchg %r13,0x20(%rbp)
> 0xffffffff8046c70a <_thread_lock_flags+42>:   sete   %al
> 0xffffffff8046c70d <_thread_lock_flags+45>:   test   %al,%al
> 0xffffffff8046c70f <_thread_lock_flags+47>:   jne    0xffffffff8046c799 
> <_thread_lock_flags+185>
> 0xffffffff8046c715 <_thread_lock_flags+53>:   mov    0x20(%rbp),%rdx
> 0xffffffff8046c719 <_thread_lock_flags+57>:   cmp    %r13,%rdx
> 0xffffffff8046c71c <_thread_lock_flags+60>:   je     0xffffffff8046c7cd 
> <_thread_lock_flags+237>
> 0xffffffff8046c722 <_thread_lock_flags+66>:   callq  0xffffffff8071c4e0 
> <spinlock_exit>
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
> 0xffffffff8046c727 <_thread_lock_flags+71>:   jmp    0xffffffff8046c73c 
> <_thread_lock_flags+92>
> 0xffffffff8046c729 <_thread_lock_flags+73>:   data16
> ...
>  so this looks like either %rbp is indeed zero or that cmpxchg insn isnt
> getting correctly translated.  If you want to reproduce just boot the 35 MB
> 7.0-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso in qemu-system-x86_64 (without kqemu); you
> can find mirrors via
>       http://mirrorlist.freebsd.org/
> (search for isos, amd64 architecture, I used 7.0 as you can see.)
>  Oh, if you want to look at the live kernel you can boot the
> 7.0-RELEASE-amd64-livefs.iso in 0.9.1 with the previously mentioned
> patch (see
>       http://www.nabble.com/forum/ViewPost.jtp?post=14921171
> ), select fixit->cdrom in the menu that comes up after choosing
> the keyboard layout, and run `kgdb /dist/boot/kernel/kernel /dev/mem'.

Update: looks like the bug is i386 host only, at least I got a report
of amd64 host working. (will try to confirm later...)


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