On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 8:26 AM, Aurelien Jarno <aurel...@aurel32.net> wrote:
> Rationale: The following code is difficult to read, but allowed by the
> current coding style.

Fully agree.

> +Every control flow statement is followed by a new indented and braced
> +block; even if the block contains just one statement.  The opening brace
> +is on the line that contains the control flow statement that introduces
> +the new block; the closing brace is on the same line as the else keyword,
> +or on a line by itself if there is no else keyword.  Example:

I think an exception should be granted for "else if" case, otherwise
the style would require braces around "if", like:
    if (a == 5) {
        printf("a was 5.\n");
    } else {
        if (a == 6) {
            printf("a was 6.\n");
    } else {
        printf("a was something else entirely.\n");

Picking nits: "while" is a control flow statement, even in "do {}
while" statement and then it would illegal to require a braced block
after the "while" statement.

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