On 06/29/2013 03:29:08 PM, Olivier Danet wrote:
How embarrassing...

- QEMU 1.5.1 can boot Debian Etch (kernel 2.6.18), RedHat 4.2 (kernel 2.0.30), NetBSD 6.1 and OpenBSD 5.3.

- Your image (Linux 3.8) can be started with a TurboSparc CPU :
qemu -cpu "Fujitsu MB86907".

Yay! That fixes it. Thanks.

- My SparcStation-5 has a 110MHz MicroSPARC-II and the .attributes (aka .properties) fields are identical to OpenBIOS values, except for the mask_rev : I have 0x26, OpenBIOS sets 0x23

Before the patch, OpenBIOS had an incoherence between the PSR register content and the BIOS defined values. In Linux "arch/sparc/mm/srmmu.c:get_srmmu_type(void)", this correspond to "a TurboSparc emulating Swift".
(Swift is the MS-2).

TurboSPARC could be the new QEMU default, but, ideally, the MS-II should be preferred as it is compatible with more OSes ( hoping to run NextStep in QEMU one day ...).

Maybe recent Linux kernels are not compatible with the way QEMU emulates the MS-II...

Or it could require a config tweak to the kernel, or some -mtune a compile time. I'm happy enough with a different -cpu for sparc: I just want to run the thing to natively compile software under emulation and avoid more cross compiling.



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