Prebulit binaries of all of the above are at:

The "system-image" tarballs are bootable system images, tested under qemu 1.5.1, which provide a shell prompt on qemu's stdin/stdout and a native compiler capable of building Linux From Scratch inside the emulator. Each contains three wrapper scripts:

  1) - boot qemu to a shell prompt.
2) - development environment (allocate extra memory/storage).
  3) - see

The "cross-compiler" tarballs are cross compilers, extract anywhere and add the "bin" subdirectory to your $PATH, then use ${PREFIX}-cc as your compiler. If this cross compiler is in your path and distccd is isntalled on the host, the script will configure qemu to call out to the cross compiler via loopback.

If you'd like to build these images yourself from source, grab the tarball from:

And type "./ armv5l" or similar. (Run it with no arguments to see a target list.)

More documentation than anyone is likely to read is available at:


(Sorry for the noise, but I spent _effort_ making this work with qemu 1.5.1. Almost just put "use 1.2.0" in the release notes, but eventually got fixes for arm, sparc, and sh4 _without_ sacrificing backwards compatability with the old releases.)

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