on 17/09/2013 21:49 Gleb Natapov said the following:
> http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Tracing


thank you very much!

Here's an interesting snippet from the trace:
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182731: kvm_entry:            vcpu 0
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182733: kvm_exit:             reason
IO_INSTRUCTION rip 0x89b1 info 3f60000 0
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182733: kvm_pio:              pio_write at
0x3f6 size 1 count 1
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182734: kvm_userspace_exit:   reason
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182736: kvm_entry:            vcpu 0
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182738: kvm_exit:             reason
EXCEPTION_NMI rip 0x934e info 0 80000b0d
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182739: kvm_emulate_insn:     0:934e:0f 01
1e d6 95 (real)
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182741: kvm_entry:            vcpu 0
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182742: kvm_exit:             reason
EXCEPTION_NMI rip 0x9353 info 0 80000b0d
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182743: kvm_emulate_insn:     0:9353:0f 01
16 d0 95 (real)
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182745: kvm_entry:            vcpu 0
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182746: kvm_exit:             reason
EXCEPTION_NMI rip 0x9358 info 0 80000b0d
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182747: kvm_emulate_insn:     0:9358:0f 20
c0 (real)
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182748: kvm_entry:            vcpu 0
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182749: kvm_exit:             reason
EXCEPTION_NMI rip 0x935c info 0 80000b0d
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182750: kvm_emulate_insn:     0:935c:0f 22
c0 (real)
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.182752: kvm_entry:            vcpu 0
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.188830: kvm_emulate_insn:     0:9315: (real)
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.188831: kvm_emulate_insn:     0:9315: (real)
 qemu-system-x86-4639  [003] 263925.188831: kvm_emulate_insn:     0:9315: (real)
... ad infinitum

I believe that the following log from unaccelerated qemu corresponds to the last
few instructions:

0x0000000000009346:  cli
0x0000000000009347:  std
0x0000000000009348:  xor    %ax,%ax
0x000000000000934a:  mov    %ax,%ds
0x000000000000934c:  mov    %ax,%es
0x000000000000934e:  lidtw  -0x6a2a
0x0000000000009353:  lgdtw  -0x6a30
0x0000000000009358:  mov    %cr0,%eax
0x000000000000935b:  inc    %ax
0x000000000000935c:  mov    %eax,%cr0
0x000000000000935f:  ljmp   $0x8,$0x9364

That is, 0x935c seems to be the last meaningful ip and the instruction seems to
be enabling protected mode.  Not sure how the code ends up at 0x9315 after that.

And here is original assembly code:
rret_tramp:     movw $MEM_ESPR-0x08,%sp         # Reset stack pointer
                pushal                          # Save gp regs
                pushl %gs                       # Save
                pushl %fs                       #  seg
                pushl %ds                       #  regs
                pushl %es
                pushfl                          # Save %eflags
                cli                             # Disable interrupts
                std                             # String ops dec
                xorw %ax,%ax                    # Reset seg
                movw %ax,%ds                    #  regs
                movw %ax,%es                    #  (%ss is already 0)
                lidt idtdesc                    # Set IDT
                lgdt gdtdesc                    # Set GDT
                mov %cr0,%eax                   # Switch to protected
                inc %ax                         #  mode
                mov %eax,%cr0                   #
                ljmp $SEL_SCODE,$rret_tramp.1   # To 32-bit code
rret_tramp.1:   xorl %ecx,%ecx                  # Zero
                movb $SEL_SDATA,%cl             # Setup
                movw %cx,%ss                    #  32-bit
                movw %cx,%ds                    #  seg
                movw %cx,%es                    #  regs
                movl MEM_ESPR-0x04,%esp         # Switch to kernel stack
                leal 0x44(%esp,1),%esi          # Base of frame
                andb $~0x2,tss_desc+0x5         # Clear TSS busy
                movb $SEL_TSS,%cl               # Set task
                ltr %cx                         #  register

I can provide full logs, etc.
Please let me know what else I could do.
Andriy Gapon

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