On 19 September 2013 17:23, Paolo Bonzini <pbonz...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> > Similar patches to SDL have been rejected before because it breaks the
>>> > API, so I don't see the bug in SDL getting resolved.
>> Oh, didn't realize the bug is in the sdl library.  That is a bit more
>> complicated then.  SDL would need a new grab function with proper error
>> handling then.
> This strikes a bell... I discussed it with the Fedora libsdl maintainer
> but I cannot find the bug.  Could it be that SDL 2.0 does not have the
> bug?  Is it easy to compile QEMU with SDL 2.0?

        for (;;) {
            int result =
                XGrabPointer(display, data->xwindow, True, 0, GrabModeAsync,
                             GrabModeAsync, data->xwindow, None, CurrentTime);
            if (result == GrabSuccess) {

Nope, SDL 2 is still broken if the grab can't be taken (and waits for
half the time, so spins even faster!).  The rejected patch I'm
referring to was from Fedora's virtualisation work so that's probably
what you're recalling.


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