Hi All,
I am trying to debug guest OS through qemu with kvm enabled.
Following is what I have done:
1: fire the qemu-kvm
sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -hda vdisk.img -m 4096 -smp 2 -vnc :2 -boot c -s

2: wait until login into guest OS (ubuntu 10.04)

3: fire gdb
gdb vmlinux
target remote :1234
b do_fork
set arch i386:x86-64

4: after I typed "ls" in guest OS. The guest OS paniced with some message
related to "int 3 blah blah". Then crashed.

Someone said we should use hardware breakpoint when kvm is enabled, or
"monitor system_reset" after set the breakpoint, but it didn't work for me.
The hardware breakpoint could not been hit anyway.

I have tried with "-no-kvm", it works normally with breakpoints. But I want
to debug the guest OS with kvm enabled. I don't know whether someone has
met this similar situation.

Thanks for your time!

Best Wishes,

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