After some further testing I found that even the 32 bit binaries from Stefan 
fail with the same error. I tried the 32 bit binaries from by Eric Lassauge for 
version 1.6 and they work well. I have tried both 32 and 64 bit binaries from 
Stefan on 2 different environments, both failing with same errors.
When I just run the binaries with no disk image or any other options, I get a 
proper window with the BIOS going through all drives looking for a bootable 
device. Only when I have a valid executable image I get the error. Also, in 
case of the test linux binary I get a kernel panic on linux but qemu does not 
What should I do further to debug this? 
Hi Stefan,
Could you share what tools you use for the build? Any hints on what more could 
I try?

To: s...@weilnetz.de; qemu-devel@nongnu.org
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] Compiling Qemu x86_64 for windows 64 bit
From: vikas.de...@outlook.com

Hi again,

I downloaded the linux test image and tried booting it. I got a kernel panic 
the stack trace looks like this -






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----- Reply message -----

From: "Vikas Desai" <vikas.de...@outlook.com>

To: "Stefan Weil" <s...@weilnetz.de>, <qemu-devel@nongnu.org>

Subject: [Qemu-devel] Compiling Qemu x86_64 for windows 64 bit

Date: Thu, Sep 26, 2013 2:43 PM

Thanks for the quick response.Sorry for the typo. It was the autocorrect :). I 
downloaded qemu-w64-setup-20130921.exe

When I try running

qemu-system-x86_64w.exe with an iso I get an assertion - 
/home/stefan/src/qemu/repo.or.cz/qemu/ar7/qemu-coroutine-lock.c, line 99

Expression : qemu_in_coroutine()



Sent from my HTC

----- Reply message -----

From: "Stefan Weil" <s...@weilnetz.de>

To: "Vikas Desai" <vikas.de...@outlook.com>, <qemu-devel@nongnu.org>

Subject: [Qemu-devel] Compiling Qemu x86_64 for windows 64 bit

Date: Thu, Sep 26, 2013 1:42 PM

Am 26.09.2013 03:53, schrieb Vikas Desai:


U tried compiling Qemu on windows sever 2008 64 bit using mingw64. After 
following the steps at betaarchive.com I managed to get a binary. It now just 
dies as soon as I start it. How do I debug this.

I also tried downloading the 64 bit installer from Stephan Weil website 
qemu.weilnetz.de but it dies too with an assertion.

Foes anyone have a working build for win64?



Stephan Weil is another person, not me. I am Stefan Weil. :-)

Which version of the installer did you try? Which assertion or failure message 
did you get?

How did you start the binary.

Without more information, nobody will be able to answer your questions.




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