On 10/30/2013 01:04 AM, Amos Kong wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Amos Kong <ak...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> From: Amos Kong <kongjian...@gmail.com>
>> @BlockdevRef is used in @BlockdevOptionsGenericFormat and
>> @BlockdevOptionsGenericCOWFormat.
> NACK this patch.
> @BlockdevOptions is used in @BlockdevRef, this change is meaningless.

Furthermore, qapi allows circular recursive types, so we can't do full
topological sorting (the generator handles a reference to a type before
its declaration just fine, as long as all names encountered in the file
can be resolved at the time the complete file has been parsed).

If anything, I think that alphabetical ordering _might_ make it easier
to find types, instead of the current ad hoc ordering.  Also, at one
point there was a patch proposed to allow file inclusion, where you
could break out related types/commands into a secondary file rather than
cramming everything into qapi-schema.json, but I don't know if that's
worth reviving.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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