Hi all.
We are facing some network issues on some Windows Server 2003 machines.
In short, network seems to lock up and stops responding even to ping
requests. From TCPdump on the tap interface on the server I only see arp
request to the gateway, without replies. Increased tx overruns on the some
interface too. No errors at all on windows side. Most of the time we can
disable the interface from within windows and re-enable it to make things
work again. Rarely we have to shut down the virtual machine (Windows reboot
does not solve the problem).
The issue appears randomly without apparent relation with server activity.
One server makes a lot of small outbond connections and locks up about
every 12-24 hours. It has two nic defined and only one is affected (the
heaviest loaded). Other servers have just one nic and lock less often.
We run Qemu-kvm 1.4.0 and latest virtio-win drivers. On the same host we
did run a Linux web server with no issue in months of activity, with
traffic peaks up to 80Mb/s.

Here's is the startup command:

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -machine type=pc,accel=kvm -cpu kvm64
-pidfile /vmstore/vm_pids/solari.pid -rtc base=localtime -drive
file=/vmstore/vm_disks/solari.img,if=virtio -netdev
tap,id=nic01,ifname=tap-solaripub,script=pub102-ifup -device
virtio-net-pci,netdev=nic01,mac=CE:DA:01:00:17:16 -netdev
tap,id=nic02,ifname=tap-solariconsip,script=consip-ifup -device
virtio-net-pci,netdev=nic02,mac=CE:DA:01:00:16:16 -vnc :16 -m 4096 -boot c
-k it -usbdevice tablet -name solari -daemonize

We tried also the following options without result

How can we troubleshoot the issue?

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